Public Utilities

Public Utility services maintains the infrastructure for a public service include telecommunications, electrical utilities, natural gas, certain transportation services, and also water and wastewater treatment services provided.

We provide tech support to public utilities to provide necessary services to the society. The undertakings dealing with the supply of electricity, gas, power, water and transport etc. are all covered under public utility services. All these things are needed in the day-to-day life of the people.


  • To Ensure Long-term Sustainability of the Services.
  • To Achieve Economic Efficiency.
  • To Safeguard Quality.
  • To Promote Accessibility.
  • To Meet Wider National Objectives.


Smart Cities & Communities

We understands that data, analytics and ICT infrastructure play important roles in defining solutions that help build and ensure the sustainability of smart cities.

Public Utilities

Utility services include telecommunications, electrical utilities, natural gas, certain transportation services, and also water and wastewater treatment services provided


The Transportation sector has witnessed tremendous changes in the recent years. Customers plan their travel and stay using multiple channels expecting a personalized, engaging and smart experience. 


Education is one industry that has benefited from digital transformation tremendously. India has the second largest market for e-learning worldwide after the US. There is also a huge demand for distance learning, which is expected to witness major growth.


With advent of Information Technology in Indian healthcare, disintermediation has occurred in such a way that the primary & secondary level hospitals can have a direct access to the Super Specialty Hospitals, in a collaborative way.

IndiaWorx is a technology base solutions company with focus on providing State of Art innovative solutions.